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How to manage Projects

The first step to creating a Project is to click the “Add/Edit Projects” button under the heading “Projects”.

Add/Edit Project Button

The following screen should pop up for you, just click on the the ‘Add New Project’ button to add a new project or click ont he Project name to edit an existing Project:

Add/Edit Project


As you can see in the following screen shot, you can very quickly see where all your tasks assigned to your ‘Project’ are, no matter if they are in your ‘Inbox’, ‘Today’, ‘Next’, assigned to a person, or even if they are scheduled for review at a later date — they will still show up here.  And, of course, you can still drag & drop your tasks, reorder tasks, or to put them into a different folder, just like in your other views. You can also click to edit the task or click the note icon to see the note.


Task List


There are 3 ways to add a task to a project:

  1. You can click on your Project in the left column and just add a task the usual way (via the Quick Add at the top right corner or the Add button on the bottom right corner).
  2. You can click on the Project button to the far right of a task and select the Project from that list.  If the task does not belong to any Projects, the button will read ‘No Project’.

    Move Task

  3. Lastly, you can assign the task to a Project via the Edit Task dialog.

Add Task Dialog

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